With the onset of summer, we must know how to rejuvenate and revitalize our body with some of indigenous drink for summer against the onslaught of sweltering heat.
As soon as summer comes, the scorching sun hovers on head through the day accompanied with the gust of sirocco making everyone sweaty and fatigued. Owing to the condition, we need drink for summer to get hydrated frequently to keep ourselves stout and healthy against the onslaught of sweltering heat. Since our body is made up of 70% water which reduces at a faster pace during the season due to over sweating, we drink water to quench and maintain body temperature. Albeit water is the immanent drink of us all, we must try some other summer beverages that not only can content our thirst but also boost our body with necessary supplements to keep it cool. On the onset of summer, let’s rejuvenate and refresh our body with some of the indigenous drink for summer. Here we refer 10 drink for summer quenchers that one must enjoy oneself.
1. Vine Syrup (Bel ka Sharbat)

A glass full of vine syrup can make your day. Vine syrup is very popular and common drink for summer of North Indian streets. It is rich in Vitamin A, zinc and iron in sufficient amount so consuming vine syrup nourishes your body together with refreshment. This is prepared using pulp of vine fruit blended properly with a handful of mint leaves, 5-7 ice cubes and a pinch of salt. One shall never miss it out if has tasted earlier.
2. Sugar Cane Juice

This natural luscious energy drink added with mint leaves and lemon becomes one of the favorite drink for summer which hydrate our body and build up plasma. This drink revitalizes our body to face the scorching sun of summer
3. Aam Pana

It is one of the most reliable energizer drink for summer throughout India. Raw mango (roasted) is blended with cumin seeds and mint leaves to make this refresher. Sun stroke becomes feckless after you drink a glass of it.
4. Mango Shake

This is lip-smackingand the most savoury drink for summer when added with kulfi. Mango shake has become very popular summer drink in recent years. It is little costly for the king of fruits; mango pulp is blended with milk and dry fruits as well a little of kulfi garnished on the top.
5. Jaljeera

One can cope up fatigue together with indigestion during summer with only Jaljeera. It is made using cumin seeds, a handful of mint leaves and water. The cumin seeds or jeera is roasted and grinded into coarse powder and crushed mint leaves are mixed in water. Swallowing a glass of jaljeera summer drinks enables to endure the summer with strength.
6. Sattu Sharbat

Nothing can be more reliable than the most loveable drink of the ancestors. Sattu sharbat is the dependable indigenous drink for summer in north and north-east India. It is made with sattu flour(roasted barley and gram), sugar and water; that’s all it needs. It can be counted not only summer beverage but also food. You will recall it ever during summer if once tasted.
7. Coconut Water

Most handy and ready-made drink for summer is none other than coconut water. A chilled glass of coconut water replenishes and revitalizes you instantly. Its mild sweet taste becomes unavoidable if passes before one’s eyes.
8. Lassi

Nothing is more handy all over the country than Lassi as a drink for summer. This is made of fresh and creamy yogurt refreshing you during summer. The sight of fresh Panjabi lassi makes one’s mouth watering when added with cashew nut and Rooh Afza. Gallop a glass of Lassi and endure the scorching sun through the day. Lassi is most loved summer drink in north India because most of people start their day with a glass of Lassi.
9. Watermelon Juice

What can be better than the drink of summer as a fruit? It is rich in rehydrating properties and super refreshing ingredients. One can enjoy sweetness and revitalize one’s body for the day’s lobour. After drinking watermelon juice during summer not only complete water required for body but also fulfill essential vitamins required during summer.
10. Lemonade or Nimbu Paani

This the most common drink for summer which can be easily made at home or in most of the streets of any locality. It’s lucrative delicious taste is prepared by adding some sugar, salt, mint leaves, lemon and soda water. One must try Nimbu Paani when encountered unbearable heat. Nimbu pani or lemonade is rich in vitamin C, it work as an immunity booster and quick drink to gain energy in dehydrated body. During summer, it is most preferred summer drink served to guest.
These are all most sought drink for summers which are very handy everywhere during summer season. One can make these summer recipes at home easily or can find anywhere from the streets of towns to the streets of metro-cities. What can be more refreshing and rejuvenating our body to stand erect on duty than the indigenous beverages mentioned above? You must enjoy yourselves at home or at work the confrontation of heat when people are parched up to the throat during summer.
Some of their substitutes drink to buy beverages online has been produced by different reputed brands Rasna, Tang and Rooh Afza etc. all over the world as the time saver for busy people. If you have the lack of time or pressed by work but want to energize yourselves instantly, you can purchase the substitute drinkables from the online grocery store Basketor.